Answered By: Rebecca Hedreen Last Updated: Aug 18, 2020 Views: 560
Your main login is your MySCSU login. It's used for library access, Banner access, Blackboard Learn 9 access, and, of course, access to the MySCSU portal. Check your MySCSU login at -- there is also a reset link on that page. You'll use your MySCSU password to log into the library catalog to renew and request books and see course reserves, and to log into the Interlibrary Loan system. It's also your main way of accessing the library databases and online subscriptions from off campus. See for more information.
If you are not registered for courses in the current semester, you will not be able to use library resources. (Spring registration will cover summer access.) If you are not registered for courses but are still matriculated, please pay the Matriculation fee at the Bursar and bring/send proof of payment to the Circulation desk.
If you have trouble with your MySCSU password or campus computer login (Network ID), contact the OIT Helpdesk at,, 203-392-5123, or visit the service desk on the first floor of Buley (check the website for hours).
If you have trouble with your MySCSU password and are still unable to login, contact the Circulation Desk at 203-392-5756 to check if your account is active.
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