Answered By: Parker Fruehan Last Updated: Sep 05, 2023 Views: 138
Answered By: Parker Fruehan
Last Updated: Sep 05, 2023 Views: 138
How do I borrow from the laptop locker?
Chromebooks and Microsoft Surface Pro 7 Laptops can be borrowed from the library's automated laptop lending lockers for 21 days, plus two renewals. Follow the on-screen prompts and swipe your Hootloot Card to borrow a laptop. A few tips:
- A blue lights next to each locker indicate a laptop is inside and ready for immediate use.
- A red light next to a locker indicates a laptop is inside but is charging. Check again in an hour or so to see if it has turned blue.
- No lights indicate all laptops are out on loan.
- Loans are for 21 days, but the loan can be extended two times.
What if the locker is empty?
- The library has a limited number of Chromebooks available for loan you can borrow at the checkout desk. These Chromebooks loan for the entire semester (due on the last day of the semester).
How do I get started?
The Microsoft Surface laptops will automatically connect to the campus WiFi. Login to the Surface using your SCSU NetID. Chromebooks should already be connected to the eduroam network, but if not it is easy to reconnect. Chromebooks are not linked to the SCSU NetID but you can login with an existing Google Account or browse as a guest.
If you have any tech issues with borrowed devices, please reach out to the Library Technology team. We will attempt to resolve your issue before referring to the SCSU IT Helpdesk.
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